16 February 2011

Korg day? Try Korg WEEK!

Yeah, it wasn't so great.  The pot luck, taking my son out to Pizza Hut.  Anthony's pizza because the girls were getting sick and Sunday was a busy day.

As you can see from the numbers, I did lose.  Papa did not.  However, he did a LOT of cheating.  Not just with chocolate (my candy) but with candy filled with corn syrup.  And he's not understanding that even with sugar in the pop, it's still a bunch of calories.  So while it's a better sugar since it's not corn syrup, it's still not something he should drink a bunch of.   

It's good though.  I did make a primal dinner last night... Stuffed green peppers.  And instead of using rice with the meat, I used cauliflower.  It was ok.  I should have added a bit more of the pepper insides to the meat to give it just a bit more zing, but all and all it wasn't bad.

Dinner tonight was eggs and bacon since I dealt with sick kids all day.  Tomorrow, dinner will be something with chicken, cauliflower and broccoli and I might see what I can make for dessert that's more primal than not.  Red Korg ain't gonna like dessert.  It'll probably be cantaloupe and honey dew so that they don't get rotten.

Grapefruit for breakfast.  That's one of my new favorites.  And an apple.  And probably a banana.  I dunno though.  The last banana is still good so I might make a strawberry/banana smoothie with the frozen strawberries and the last banana. 

Anyway, off to bed.  Hurricane Korg and Princess Korg has gotten me sick. 
(this was written in the wee hours of Wednesday morning, but was intended for Tuesday night.)

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