04 February 2011


Craig found some crackers in the suburban.  Yummy buttery goodness.  And as much as I wanted them, as my stomach growled at me, I didn't eat them.  I also stopped him from eating a Fig Newton by pointing out the wheat flour and corn syrup in it.  WOOT!

So today I didn't do so hot with eating again.  But, I had about 5 slices of bacon (really thin slices--walmart brand, they shrunk down a LOT) and some pepperoni slices. 

Since I have left over chicken in the fridge, I'm going to make a salad with shredded carrots and cheese, some cukes and throw some chicken in with it.  YUM.  I didn't buy more fruits because we were at FM and their crap is expensive, so I'll hit the misery tomorrow and get more fruit.  I still have some clementines I can eat since the childrens have eaten all the grapes, apples and bananas.

I found some Pepsi Throwback at FM.  While it's not Primal, I feel I can still have some.  it's made with sugar, not corn syrup, so I'm not getting the corn grains.  That's a good thing.  It's 150 calories, so I'll have to be sure to include that.  I do need more fuel, I can feel it.  So I need to eat more fruits for the sugars and some more veggies for the carbs.  I bought some green peppers to make stuffed green peppers.  Hubby was against it at 1st, but once I explained that you gut out the peppers and just stuff some beef in it (I'll add cauliflower instead of rice) and it just gets a bit of pepper taste, he was ok with it.

Not sure what to have for dessert today since I have no more berries for the frozen fruit we had last night (which was YUMMY).  I still need to write a list of things I need, though.

So, we're on day 3 of this, and I have avoided eating things that I consider comfort food.  I didn't order pizza and I didn't eat those crackers, or give in and go to Subway (even though Craig was like... Jared lost a bunch of weight eating Subway).  So, it was a challenging day, but I think I made it through it!

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